The Witch Wives' Blog / June
A Pride Parade of Planets?
There's been a lot of talk about the rare planetary alignment that's said to be coming up on June 3rd, called the Parade of Planets.
Sometimes, the sky gifts us an amazing show, such as the recent solar eclipse, and in this case the celestial event is six planets (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune) being visible in the night sky all at the same time, though some will require telescopes...
Red Clover & Flower Cleansing
The two articles originally appeared in the June edition of our newsletter "Witch, What?" You can pick up the latest edition at our booth at the 400 Market in Innisfil, Ontario or you will receive one free with an online order! In bloom this month The world is exploding into life all around us! Nature is abundant with flowers and early fruits and veggies. Here in Ontario, you’ll find red clover blooming this month! Taller than the white clover that suburbanites are so used too, this flower is edible and quite magical. The petals added to a ritual bath bring favourable financial...