Homegrown Horehound

Homegrown Horehound

Horehound's name simply means "fuzzy herb," though it has also been called "Seed of Horus," "Bull's Blood," "Eye of the Star," and harhune. The now inadvisable practices of using it against snake poison and rabies infection (as well as the belief that it can be used against witches) demonstrates its significant connection to exorcism or protective magic as well as to healing. It is thought that adding horehound to your incense blends can give a beginner better insight and courage. It is connected by some to the planets of Mars & Mercury, the god Horus, the element of Earth, and the sign of Gemini. Those who practice Goetic magic may connect horehound to the demon Sargatanas.

Horehound is native to much of Eurasia and even northern Africa and has spread much further. Similar to other members of the Mint family, it thrives in neglected areas and along roads, though it is also grown in some gardens for its use in treating coughs and colds. It is also used to brew Horehound Ale, a delicious and beneficial drink.

Horehound has been believed to help with asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, digestive complaints, intestinal worms, skin irritations, and sore throats. It is especially known as an expectorant. Horehound is most popularly medicinally consumed as a syrup, candy, or sweetened infusion, due to its incredibly bitter flavour. It is important to note that ingestion of horehound may reduce effectiveness of some medications, may affect heart rhythm, and may lower blood sugar.

The Horehound we have available is homegrown without any pesticides in a memorial butterfly garden. It is cut whenever the plant needs pruning, without discouraging flowers too much. Because of this, supply is somewhat limited and available only as 5g bags for $5. Leaves are dried and packaged whole, but are fragile and may crumble before they get to you.

Our herbs are not packaged in a commercial kitchen, and, as such, are not fit for human consumption in accordance with Health Canada regulations. We provide information about food and health benefits for educational purposes only. Our herbs are not to be consumed and are sold for religious, spiritual, and curio purposes. Our herbs are stocked at our booth at the 400 Market in Innisfil, Ontario, which is only open on weekends, which may delay fulfillment of online orders. When ordering online, your hollyhock package will be intuitively chosen for you. All our prices are inclusive of sales tax within Canada, when applicable.