August's Birthstone

August's Birthstone

This article originally appeared in our August edition of Witch, What?, a newsletter for witches of all experience levels which you can pick up in person at our stores or receive for free with an online order. It includes information like that month's full moon, any Wheel of the Year holidays coming up, what is in bloom that month, and helpful articles like this one! These articles will not appear on our blog until the following month, so if you want to get them right away, make sure to drop by our booth at the 400 Market!

Peridot is one of August’s birthstones. It is a more stable form of Olivine, and its most common source is volcanoes and meteorites, making it very energetically powerful. It is thought to be naturally cleansing and to repel evil, much like Selenite. Additionally, it is believed to help guide you on your spiritual journey and to help heal negative emotions like jealousy and resentment.

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