Auralite 23 Flower Cluster

This extremely unique speciman measures 4cm x 2.5cm.

Auralite 23 is a rare mineral from ONLY The Auralite 23 Mine in Ontario's Thunder Bay. Found deep in the Canadian Shield's ancient Boreal Forest, these captivating crystals boast rare metallic inclusions and a billion-year past. Scientists say Auralite 23 is one of Earth's oldest gemstones, with each crystal containing at least 17 of the 23 minerals detected, such as Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Geothite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Shpalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gilalite, Epidote, Bronite, and Rutile. Each crystal carries its own unique history, sealed in time.

Be wary of imitations! While many other amethysts with inclusions have become available at surprisingly low prices, Auralite 23 is only sourced from the Thunder Bay mine. This means that it is not possible to acquire these crystals at the same rate as regular amethyst. Each piece is special and distinctive, and we were fortunate to meet one of the proprietors of the mine at a recent wholesale event, meaning that we could access a few pieces at true wholesale cost.

Auralite 23 aligns all chakras and activates alta major, soul star, and stellar gateway. It's attuned to Aquarius, Pisces, Neptune, and the number 33, and it benefits intercellular healing, clarity, serenity, and well-being with its high vibration. It stills the mind, preventing invasion of other's thoughts and beliefs, assists with Akashic reading, and enhances metaphysical & shamanic capacities. It encourages harmony with all and connection to higher self prior to action, and accelerates healing with other crystals.