Mangano calcite (also called "manganoan calcite") is a special variety of calcite which is rich in manganese, giving it a lovely pale pink colour. It has been mined in Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Iceland, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Romania, Slovakia, USA, and UK. Our mangano calcite originates in Pakistan. Mangano calcite has the chemical formula of (Ca,Mn)CO₃, so it is sometimes confused with rhodochrosite, MnCO₃.
Mangano calcite is popular in angelwork and crystal healing. It is believed to boost self-esteem, self-love, and healing from trauma. It is thought to have the ability to ease nervous conditions like anxiety, stress, and lack of energy. It has been used for releasing one from grief and from being weighed down by the past.
Possible correspondence: angels, healing, self-esteem, love, trauma, fear, health, wholeness, cleansing, calm, peace, perception, understanding, strength, Mehet-Weret, Auðumbla, Persephone.