Symbols of Frigg
by Jessica Pape-Green
[This post was originally posted to WordPress and may have formatting errors as a result to being moved here.]
Hey, Best Witches! It's day 3 of the 30 Days of Deity Devotion, and we're keeping it short & sweet: Today we're listing the symbols of Frigg.
Look, it's not my fault this is the third post on the list. Anyway, we're doing this brainstorm style: no thorough research, just a list of every single symbol I can think of. So, without ado...
Symbols of Frigg
- Keys
- House
- Hearth
- Kitchen implements, especially those old iron stew pots and wooden spoons
- Soapstone pots & dishes
- Wooden implements
- Fences
- Wool roving, yarn, wool carders, looms, spindles, spinning wheels, distaff
- Nettle (fiber & leafy food plant)
- Flax (fiber & grain plant)
- Ladies bedstraw (used for mattresses, flooring, dye, medicine; "Frigg's grass")
- Sewing needles, thread, cloth, needle case, thimble, scissors
- Embroidery needles, embroidery hoops or frames, embroidery thread, snips, completed embroidery
- Crochet, knitting, & other yarn crafts (nalbinding is traditional to Scandinavia)
- Babies, cribs
- "Family" images, such as stick figure families, photos of your own family, etc
- Common garden vegetables
- Milk, cheese
- Bread
- Alcohol (beer or mead particularly)
- Meadows, swamps, wetlands, rural areas
- Fermented food
- Stews
- Traditional clothes, traditional fabrics
- Brooms (vaccums, mops, & cloths are fine)
- Images of caretaking
- Apron
- Head covering
- Leatherwork
- Home repair
- Home decor
- Images of women middle aged and older, especially women who lead similar lives
- Bed linens
- Medicinal plants
- Dye plants
- Soap
- Children's clothes & toys
- Traditional jewelry